Monday, 29 June 2009
Some people are just plain scary
Another blog by sicntired Being somewhat of a paranoid,I like to watch certain political viewpoint shows.Especially when the Queen bitch of surrey takes the stage.Ms Watts,as anyone that's followed her career for 5 minuits knows,never saw a camers she didn't like.She took to the air on Vaughn Palmer's Voice of B.C.(Vaughn was on holiday),last week and it didn't take long before she showed her true colors.On a talk about heralth care and I'm paraphrasing here,she let it slip thaty in her opinion people who have made bad choices at one point in their lives,should have to pay in some way for those bad decisions.Most politico's have the sense to measure their words and attempt to mitigate the effects of their personal prejudices.Not so with Ms.Watts.It might be refreshing if she wasn't so intolerant and didn't have such a twisted hatred of those in society who have ,for whatever reason,fallen into the trap of addiction.What Ms.Watts was saying and I say this after years of listening to her rants about addicts and addiction,was that people with addictions shouldn't have the same access to health care as others as they have self inflicted wounds.Project this onto a fat person with type 2 diabetes,a failed suicide,a drunk with a bad liver.I'm not saying that this politician would include all of those,she probably doesn't even see the corelation.This woman went to Europe with a pre conceived vision and came back saying that her vision was correct.She went to one country,Italy,which has been long noted for it's failures and brutal repression of addicts,and assured everyone that she had found the perfect solution.You have to forgive prohibitionists as they are fighting against 100 years of failed policy and are still shouting as loud as they can that we just have to try harder.Einstein defined such strategy as insanity.I'll leave that up to dear reader to decide.The fact is,there are still people out there who are in positions of power who are projecting their own personal agendas on everyone else in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
Dangerous Dianne Watts
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