Tuesday, 11 November 2008

We can only wait and see

Another blog by sicntired With the recent election of the Obama/Biden team in the US and the various victories and defeats of the various drug reform measures,it's a toss up as to where the dog is going.That the tail is dragging us down a disastrous path is beyond a doubt.We saw what born again agenda's can do with 8 years of GWBush.Biden was an unfortunate choice as VP as his record as the flag carrier of the anti drug forces is well documented.We all have heard about Obama's former drug use and that makes him a living example of just how harmless a drug experiment can be.If a reasonably intelligent person looks at the whole drug situation it's fairly obvious that the majority of the damage and all of the criminal activity is as the direct result of the prohibition of drugs.If government was dumb enough to once again try to introduce the prohibition of alcohol,the death and organzed distribution would begin before the ink was dry on the paper the bill was written on.It's amazing that people just can't seem to make the connection.It's sad but I did say it takes a person of reasonable intelligence.Governments have all the demographics on just who and where the more intelligent people live and they aim their material at the rest.What will Obama do about the drug war and prison over crowding and jail time for minor drug offences?We'll just have to wait and see.Biden is attempting to reverse the 100-1 sentencing disparity on crack cocaine but who was the monster that thought such a travesty up in the first place?It's so obviously racist that it's become a world wide embarrasment.Too bad people won't take the time to look up the origines of current drug laws and the racism jumps out and slaps you right in the face.You can find all such information at drugsense .org or at stopthedrugwar.org.Both sites contain a wealth of information and links to other sites.If you agree,it'll show you you're on the right side of the issue.If you're against drug reform,it'll open your eyes to the racist and fear mongering that keeps the drug war wheels spinning in place year after year.