Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Just who's being conned with con-air?

When I first read about this program,I thought:"what's the harm?"So far the people sent back seem to be violent felons and I have no idea why they weren't on Canada wide warrants to begin with.Then I hear they want to ship out every-one with any kind of warrant at all.This begins to sound a lot like another of Sam's Civil City projects.These projects,no matter how pretty you dress them up,are cynical attempts to remove as many of the poor and homeless as possible before the Olympics.By shipping them now,it will do just the opposite.The last guy I saw being loaded on a plane(and what's with the media showing up at a convict extradition?)was very vocal about coming back and wreaking havoc.Can't the warrants be waved so these people can do their time here?This has vigilante written all over it.Now we have vigilante redcoats and vigilante guardian angels and now vigilante air lines.Yes,it's the Olympics at it's plutocratic best.All the security money can buy.Remember those cops Sam said we just couldn't afford.Amazing what you can find when there may be a vote or two in it.Let's get on with the mayoral election and find a Mayor with a sense of vision and one that won't sanction any vigilante group with an axe to grind.

pinecone-burke saved with upper Pitt river

At 12:00PM today,wed.Mar.26,2008.Environment minister Barry Penner announced the run of the river power project scheduled for the upper Pitt river is dead.I would like to thank every-one that responded to all the pleas for rejection of this project.I'm sure there are places where this is a workable kind of project but the upper Pitt is a special place and Pinecone Burke is a class A park.Again,thanks to everyone for opposing what would have been a disaster.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Hypocracy and the newspaper

It isn't bad enough that we have only one major media company in Vancouver.The papers don't actually even try to pretend that they speak with any semblance of independence.When Sam Sullivan first ran for mayor,the media loved the guy.Now he can't get decent press even if he does something right.Not that that happens very often anyway.Now the Media is in love with Dianne Watts.To read the papers she's just an election away from a coronation.Ms.Watts is a very clever politician that is very adept at courting the press.If there's anything happening,Dianne is there for any quotes and all available praise,whether or not it's deserved.I've seen different incarnations of Ms. Watts in my 59 years of watching the local political scene and she's one of the most ambitious and unethical I've seen since Bill Vander Zalm.He was also a mayor of Surrey with political ambitions.Not since Bill have I seen anyone so eager to walk to greater things over the backs of the regions poor and homeless.Now Bill didn't have a homeless problem to deal with but he never hesitated to lash out at the lowest end of the societal spectrum.It was Bills government that tried to have addiction declared a crime and to put addicts in jail forever.The thing is,there's always a mob out there that'll support this kind of poor bashing and it was only by attending meetings and exposing people to the truth that the infamous bill was allowed to slip into history without being put before the house.Ms.Watts is another hard line prohibitionist and is the first to the camera whenever there's a chance to take a pot shot at drug legislation.She took an all expenses trip to Europe to study the drug situation there but like all hardliners before her she saw only that which supported her twisted view of the situation and came back with drug courts and forced treatment.Both of these things have been tried and have failed but then that's the history of the drug war.Try it,shelve it wait a generation and then dredge it up and try it again.As long as we are stuck with these politicians that put their personal views over scientific evidence and studies of the problem,of which there are many,that expose the racist and hysteria based reasons for drug prohibition in the first place.We will continue to have social unrest and wanton killing in the streets.These people look to the south for their ideas and their inspiration.If you think the violence and bloodshed that goes on as a daily occurrence in America is a plan we should be looking at,Ms.Watts is for you.If you want the same old answers that have brought us to where we are today,She's your girl.She takes credit for everything that's going well.She must take credit for the whole picture.If you like what's going on in the lower mainland and don't mind dodging bullets,she's good for it.If you think people with addictions and mental problems are criminals and felons,so does she.The lower levels of society have always been an easy target for ambitious politicians with a sociopath's personality.These are unfortunately the people that last in politics as they have no empathy and no conscience.Such is Dianne Watts.If you would like to discover what Dianne has no time to look into there are many sites on the web that will tell you the true history of drug,LEAP, one of these sites contains links to the others and many more. Canada's Green Party wants to end the drug war.